With change come challenges. One of the biggest challenges faced by businesses today is remote work’s impact on workforce engagement, cohesion, and motivation.  

Teams traditionally used to work closely together are now dispersed across the globe, some working exclusively via video calls and online platforms.  

The challenge for businesses now is to keep those remote and hybrid employees engaged with each other and their in-office colleagues.  

When the workforce is properly engaged, employees are happier leading to 81% higher customer satisfaction and 50% lower staff turnover. (Cisco Workforce Experience report, 2020).  

The right tech tools are critical to keeping the workforce happy and engaged and your business profitable.

workforce engagement workplace disconnection

Technologically speaking, we’re more connected than ever. But for many employees, remote and hybrid work can make them feel less connected to their team and their purpose than ever.

A disconnected and disengaged team is a big red flag for your organisation especially when it comes to productivity, staff retention and customer satisfaction.

Here’s how to spot disconnection in your workplace.

workforce engagement workplace disconnection
  • Your team is collaborating and communicating less. Their options for connection may feel distant, impersonal or like a lot of effort. This is bad news for the dynamics of high-performing teams who rely on each other to achieve great things.
  • Employee engagement and motivation is low. Workforce disconnection can impact employees’ motivation to set and achieve goals. Employees may withdraw, keep to themselves, or find it difficult to get work done.
  • Conflict and misunderstandings between team members are more frequent. Small issues that could once be sorted with an easy, in-person chat now feel like much bigger issues. Tone and intent can be lost when communicating in writing and without a quick option to resolve the problem, small issues can fester, affecting more than just the people involved. 

It’s not just inconvenient for your staff and your customers, that lost time and productivity can greatly affect your revenue and your profit.  

There are also potential major impacts on customer loyalty. As Business Wire reported, the number one reason a customer will speak negatively about a brand is poor customer experience.

With customers now able to publicly share their negative experiences quickly across social platforms, every dissatisfied customer is potentially influencing hundreds or even thousands of people.  

And don’t forget about your employees. If they’re having a hard time doing their job effectively, or they’re feeling disconnected from their team, the workplace culture can suffer and they may choose to move on. The cost and time of recruiting someone new is enough to give any budget manager nightmares.

Knowing the importance of employee engagement in remote and hybrid workforces, there are things you can do to improve your business:

  • Ask your workforce what they want…and deliver on it. 
  • Give your workforce the tools and tech they need.
  • Offer in-person events and team meetings/in-house days. 
workforce engagement workplace disconnection

Trying to stay connected remotely means that some days, you’re going to be on video calls a lot. Try implementing these as part of your heavy video days:

  • Make the most of AI tools to take notes and schedule follow-ups.
  • Use collaborative features, such as Cisco Webex with a range of features from meetings, messaging, calling, white boarding, virtually and collaboratively editing documents).
  • Use breakout rooms and ‘huddles’ to keep participants focused on their areas of expertise.
  • Use gesture recognition features so natural body language is replicated through the screen, making the meeting feel more real.

Seamless tech makes it easier for everyone to engage and get the most out of their video meetings. 

workforce engagement workplace disconnection

Failing to implement what your people need for effective collaboration is a recipe for disengaged and unmotivated teams. This can lead to a decrease in productivity, lower customer satisfaction rates, and high staff turnover.  

Empower workforce connection with Cisco Collaboration tools.


Outcomex is a leader in the design, implementation and integration of highly critical collaboration services for contact centres, leveraging the latest Cisco technology including Cisco Contact Centre

Outcomex was awarded the Cisco ANZ Partner of the Year Award for 2023. Outcomex is also a Cisco Gold Partner with Master Collaboration Specialisation and a Microsoft Gold Partner with Gold Communications competency. 

Improve workforce engagement with Cisco and Outcomex.