Data is your organisation’s most valuable asset — and storage and management are key features of the data lifecycle. With privacy a growing concern across the globe, managing data compliance in the digital age must be a top priority whether your data is stored on-premise, in cloud or in a hybrid solution. 

Why data compliance matters

Cyber attacks and major privacy breaches have become newsworthy events; no organisation or data set is immune. As customers demand greater privacy protection and governments tighten data collection regulations, data security is part of every organisation’s survival.

Compliance is more than protecting databases and systems from unauthorised access — organisations must understand the type of data held within each system and its level of sensitivity to ensure their full compliance with evolving data regulations. The risk of inaction on compliance grows by the day; major breaches result in significant financial, reputational and regulatory costs. Prioritising data compliance also yields business benefits.

Data and privacy regulatory compliance builds customer trust and improves data processing efficiency — boosting performance and profitability. 

How a dedicated solution protects your business, streamlines compliance, and unlocks efficiencies

Solutions, such as NetApp Cloud Data Sense service, provide:

1. Automated data coverage

The dynamic nature of cloud storage has increased the complexity of managing and controlling personal and sensitive information. With multiple data sources held in different locations, the challenge for modern organisations is ensuring all data is collected and stored in line with relevant regulations

NetApp’s Cloud Data Sense service offers automated data coverage from all sources — even other cloud services. Taking a privacy by default approach, your organisation can ensure responsive cloud compliance and: 

  • quickly run reports to review compliance
  • see all data held across your systems
  • control how sensitive information is stored.
Managing cloud compliance

2. Data classification and access control

When transitioning to a public cloud or multi-cloud solution organisations are challenged to control and automate data access requests from staff. By setting data classification rules and access controls within your system, you can ensure seamless connectivity and productivity through cloud transition. 

NetApp’s functionality replaces hours of manual management with an automated process that stores your data only where you want it stored.

3. Data security and protection

As data and privacy threats grow more sophisticated, organisations must reinforce data security and protection. With more data being generated than ever before, even identifying the type of data held across multiple systems can be a big ask for many organisations — let alone ensuring storage solutions are data compliant.

Featuring AI-driven data privacy compliance tools, NetApp includes automated controls for data privacy regulations such as the GDPR and CCPA. By harnessing AI algorithms, NetApp gets your business application data, on-premises data and cloud environments privacy-ready for data security wherever it’s stored.

4. Ongoing data compliance

Increasingly complex data regulations are being rolled out globally as governments race to keep pace with threats and customer expectations. Keeping up with data security and protection changes can be a full-time job, let alone undertaking the work to remain compliant. The pressure to maintain ongoing data compliance doesn’t take into account shrinking IT departments and competing budgets — organisations can struggle under the weight of the compliance burden. 

NetApp takes the pressure off with automatically generated system reports. By leveraging AI to classify the type of data assets your organisation holds, NetApp reduces response times for subject access requests and relieves the strain on limited IT resources.

A single tool for managing data compliance

Data protection, security, and compliance are paramount in the digital-first era. However you store data —  in cloud, on-premise, or a hybrid solution —  incorporating data compliance into business planning is vital.

NetApp Cloud Data Sense service provides organisations with enhanced data compliance using a single tool. With powerful AI support, automated reporting and full coverage wherever your data lives.

Explore NetApp with the Outcomex team

Reach out to us to learn more about our cloud services and be compliance-ready with NetApp’s Cloud Data Sense service.

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