The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a monumental shift in the way we work. Remote work was difficult for most to adjust to. Now, hybrid work is the new norm, and it is here to stay. With this shift, came new challenges in terms of cloud security, leaving organisations vulnerable to cyberattacks due to the use of unsecured home devices and public networks. 

According to Citrix, only 26% of their survey participants had fairly secure networks and were very prepared for the security risks that came with the transition to hybrid work. The cloud has become a vital part of modern business operations as it grants businesses of all sizes the ability to store and access their own data.

Implementing a multi-layered security

The risk of cyber attacks and data breaches have increased. A multi-layered security strategy helps protect data and systems from potential threats. This strategy involves the use of multiple layers of security measures, such as regularly monitoring the environment, checking if a network is properly protected with a secure baseline configuration, antivirus scans, regular data backups, and even frequently updating software.

“Keeping abreast of the many cyber threats available today is a struggle for anyone, so it’s key to identify and prioritise activities and projects that achieve the most comprehensive result when it comes to enhancing your cyber security and digital protection. Implementing automation in your environment and linking key technologies to achieve machine speed decision-making has been the goal for a long time now and should be in the top list of priorities. Automation is so much more achievable today, bringing a new level of high standards and speed to respond to security ecosystems which is especially poignant for Hybrid IT.” says Mark Spencer, National Security Business Manager at Outcomex.

Monitoring your network

Regular security monitoring and assessments are necessary to ensure that the security measures put in place are effective and up to date. Organisations must regularly assess their security systems to identify vulnerabilities and address them promptly. This approach helps to ensure that the data and systems are protected from potential security breaches. 

Employees being able to work from anywhere and from different devices makes monitoring and assessments harder to conduct, however, there are always ways to tackle these challenges.


Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an effective way to protect your company assets, and to prevent external users from having unauthorised access. MFA is effective against hackers – they may steal one piece of proof of identity, however, they will still have to gain access by having other proofs.


Organisations using public networks can keep them secure by implementing a Virtual Private Network (VPN) – a powerful tool that provides an additional layer of security and privacy for internet users with end-to-end encryption. It creates a secure connection between users’ devices and the internet – masking their IP address and protecting their online activity from prying eyes.  

VPNs are particularly useful when accessing public Wi-Fi networks, since they prevent potential hackers from breaching and stealing sensitive data. Forbes states that VPNs can even be used for corporate organisations with their ability to help companies encrypt data and scan devices for malware. Overall, VPNs are highly beneficial as an extra layer, and a great tool for enhancing cyber security and privacy. 

How employees can help

Employee training and education are also critical to ensure cloud security in a hybrid-work environment. Employees must be aware of the risks associated with working in a hybrid environment and understand how to safeguard data and systems.  

Training can include education on various security threats, like phishing attacks, password security, malware and ransomware, and much more. Employees can learn how to detect the first signs of a breach such as pop-ups, devices slowing down, or new extensions appearing in a browser.  

Teaching employees about the cyber-security risks that are posed by the hybrid work model won’t entirely prevent organisations from facing cyber-attacks, but can help decrease the risk.

Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics

One of the best models to keep your organisation’s data protected is Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics, formerly known as Stealthwatch Cloud. This model provides:

  • Automatic threat detection
  • Valuable security alerts 
  • Easy management and scalability 
  • Hybrid network security

Secure Cloud Analytics is a solution which enables operations to have control over their network and enable further monitoring and risk detection.  

Security Cloud Analytics enables a more proactive approach due its high responsiveness, a model which is able to catch on to early signs of a breach or compromise, detect abnormal behaviours, and extend your visibility across your cloud and on-premise environments. Since it requires no hardware or software agents, it is fairly easy to implement.

End-to-end security protection

Are you concerned about how your organisation is combating new cyber threats? You can’t secure what you can’t see. Outcomex can help strengthen your organisation’s security posture by providing a full-scale evaluation of your security processes, systems and infrastructure, and identify possibly vulnerabilities and areas of weakness through our security assessment services (from the hardware and software components to the data and network infrastructure).    

 A security assessment is vital to the life of a business. Whether you’re implementing new products and services, or creating new channels of engagement, if you have a digital presence then ensuring your business remains secure is key.   

Through our end-to-end security offerings, we can help your business reduce gaps in security, creating optimal defence framework and security strategies.

No matter your organisation’s size or industry, Outcomex and Cisco are consistently developing and improving an array of security solutions available to customers – revolutionising the way that cloud and other data is secured. Our solutions are designed to be scalable and accessible, allowing organisations of all sizes secure their data with ease.

Outcomex and Cisco ensure that all data is safeguarded with the latest and advanced technologies. Organisations can have confidence knowing that their data is in safe hands with the help of our experienced team. 

Contact us today to find out more about how Outcomex and Cisco can help you implement a multi-layered security system, and stay protected, whether it be from an office or your own home.